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5 Psychological Mistakes Beginning Filmmakers Make

How is success measured? By the mistakes we make, or maybe how we conquered our own self-doubts?

It is said that we are our own worst enemy but how can we avoid this part of the creative process? Simon Cade made a list explaining the mistakes he has come across and how he is going about to work around the tricks that his mind is playing on him.

The first thing that Simon noticed with his mistakes is he typed too much. "While I love my computer I think computers have robbed us of the feeling that we’re actually making things" -Austin Kleon Steal Like an Artist. Simon notices a great point in this novel. Creativity doesn't usually come from sitting behind a computer all day. It comes from drawing, cutting up scripts to make them subject to rearrange and going outside as much as possible. Playing with your ideas in more deeply-roted manner will help your creative process.

Another problem is caring about what's "in". The way most people think is 'what can I create to get the most views' or 'what can I write to make me the most money'. The real reason for creation is blurred with this narrowminded thinking.

Once you figure out what YOU truly want to write about, you have to develop a story. A good story that can be connected. The story should be your number one priority and the more drafts you have, the better.

This next mistake is the most common and the hardest to avoid. When making a film, you cannot worry about failing. Notice when you think you are too scared to get started, avoid procrastination and most importantly, don't be afraid to send out your finished work. Learn when to critisize and when to come to terms with the fact that perfect is unreachable.

Be okay with humility.

Personally, my problem is fear and fear is such a hard thing to shake. But you conquer fear by being faced with fear. So my personal goal and solution is to make more content and become okay with calling my projects done.

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